Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Haunted ghosts and shadows disappeared.

I recently met a young woman who described to me that she has been seeing shadows, ghosts and shadow bunnies. They came out of the cracks in the ceilings to haunt her. She is afraid and greatly distressed that these figures keep bothering her. She does not know what to do!

Suffering from many abuses as a child growing up in a broken family, she never confronts these abusers. They all broke her heart. One got caught; Others denied it ever happened. Some are just gone. No where to be found. What would a hurting child do all these years, holding on to the past? How could she now as an adult deal and cope with all these pains? Only God's grace can heal the wounds of the past. Only His power can break the chains and set her heart free to love and to trust again.

I explained to her that faith and fear cannot co-exist together. When you feed more on one, it will grow; I encouraged her to choose faith, faith in God, faith of God that will help her move the mountains out of the way. She has chosen faith in God. Faith in herself. Faith in the goodness in humanity.

She does not want the shadows any more, the things of the past, the ghosts in her life. She turned over all the pain, the hurt, the abuse, all the M & R. She has forgiven the people who hurt her and cut all ties with them. No more pain. No more oppression from the demons in her past.

After the anointing on her hands and forehead, I prayed over her and took authority over the unclean spirits in her life, bound them in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth and commanded them to leave her, and never to return to haunt or hurt this one. She left on her way soon after the prayer. I checked with her the day after, and no shadows or ghosts had haunted her since.

Only God's power in the Name of Jesus can heal people and set them free. She is glad to be on her way again.

God is good to her and to us all when we call upon His Name. I was soon attacked by the violent spirit after that with a severe cramp and terrible stomach ache. It lasted for several hours for no reason at all. I vomited quite a few times, until late at night, after much perseverance and trust in the Lord to release me from this pain and to set me free from the oppression and attack, it left me alone. I was able to sleep well after all that attack to my physical body.

God's grace is more than able to carry me through.
Pastor Linh

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