Friday, October 30, 2009

Oppressed by Satan for 2 years, delivered.

While talking to some friends in the hall, a person happened to mention that Satan was talking to her, and she said he was about to steal her TV, to attack her daughter. It's all happened in her mind.

After asking a few more questions I invited some friends to come in to pray with her and over her. She talked to Satan 2 years ago, when she woke up one morning and found out a spirit of the death named Michael came over her and into her body. Since then she heard Satan talking to her and scaring her. She testified that she had something to do with darkness, with burning incense and praying to the death angel and palm reading.

After leading her to confess her sin and to repent and to invite Christ into her heart, she renounced all evil practices and Satan and all unclean spirits, we took authority over these spirits and Satan and, in the name of Jesus cast out all of these. We thank God for Jesus and for deliverance. The voice of Satan stopped.

We thank God for the opportunity to serve Him in Jesus' name.
Pastor Linh

Monday, October 26, 2009

Indigestion and heartburn healed; inner healing took place after

On a rainy day, the hall looked empty except a few people sitting by a window talking, looking outside for a glimpse of hope. I was busy minding my own business, looking for a friend I was supposed to meet to pray with. As I passed the hall, a person looking kind of distressed, holding her chest saying "Indigestion". She repeated a few times, coming to a window to find some relief from her pain and ordeal.

I could not find a friend whom I was supposed to pray with. When God impressed upon my heart to signal her to the side and asked her what the problem was. She had indigestion and heartburn. Something was bothering her much, and the pain was obvious. I first offered her to go and get a glass of water, thinking it may help. But then I asked her "Could I offer to pray over you?" She gladly said yes. We stood a few feet apart; other people were still sitting nearby, not paying attention about what was going on over here.

I asked her to put her hands over where the pain is and quickly closed my eyes and said a simple prayer, "In the name of Jesus, I command indigestion and heartburn to go from her body. Body be healed in Jesus' name." That was it. Nothing fancy. No laying on of hand; no anointing of the oil on the sick. Just a simple prayer. When I opened my eyes, and she lifted up her hands from where the pain was, it already left her instantly. God healed her right there in front of my eyes. To her astonishment, wow, she said "for real." She was so relieved. God cared for her simple need just like that.

Later I found out that there were a lot involvement with witchcraft and anger and pain in her heart which she did forgive the one who hurt her deeply. God through her simple faith in God healed her pains and restores her life and her faith in God.

Thank God for a miracle that is so ordinarily beautiful when God broke through to us.
The pain does not come back.

Praise be to God the Father.

Pastor Linh

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Delivered from Horror Movies

Yesterday, I had a chance to meet a friend whom I had not seen for a while. She looked different; something troubled her heart; her eyes seem confused about something; fear seems hidden around the corner. She stopped and asked me if I could pray for her. Surely.

We talked a little bit. She then asked me if I know Jason? Who is Jason? She answered Jason who was in that horror movie. She then named Freddie Cougar and Texas Chainsaw Massacre and the whole list of things she has been watching since a young person.

They have troubled her mind, and she could not sleep well. Keep seeing those horror scenes and hearing those noises scared her and caused her to be in so much anguish and trouble sinks deep in her soul.

She needs God's deliverance. She also needs to stop watching those movies. They must be gotten rid of.

She bowed her head as I prayed over her and commanded the evil spirits to be bound and cast out of her.

She gave her heart to Jesus and confesses Him as her Lord and Savior. She felt immediately better and asked if I could pray for the tumor in the stomach as well. A friend is standing nearby so I ask her to put her hand on her friend's hand.

As I put my hand on the hand of her friend and commanded the tumor to die and be healed. She felt as if God has touched her and healed her.

I recommended her to check back with her doctor and to verify the result and also to get rid of all the horror movies that have caused her mind to be fearful.

God is out there in the midst of the battle for souls.

Will we answer the call to stand in the front line with Him and experience that the Battle belongs to the Lord? What are we waiting for?

Pastor Linh

The Power of Attitude

The nest of young eagles hung on every word as the Master Eagle described his exploits. This was an important day for the eaglets. They were preparing for their first solo flight from the nest. It was the confidence builder many of them needed to fulfill their destiny.

"How far can I travel?" asked one of the eaglets.
"How far can you see?" responded the Master Eagle.

"How high can I fly?" quizzed the young eaglet.
"How far can you stretch your wings?" asked the old eagle.

"How long can I fly?" the eaglet persisted.
"How far is the horizon?" the mentor rebounded.

"How much should I dream?" asked the eaglet.
"How much can you dream?" smiled the older, wiser eagle.

"How much can I achieve?" the young eagle continued.
"How much can you believe?" the old eagle challenged.

Frustrated by the banter, the young eagle demanded, "Why don't you answer my questions?"
"I did."

"Yes. But you answered them with questions."
"I answered them the best I could."

"But you're the Master Eagle. You're supposed to know everything. If you can't answer these questions, who can?"
"You." The old wise eagle reassured.

"Me? How?" the young eagle was confused.
"No one can tell you how high to fly or how much to dream. It's different for each eagle. Only God and you know how far you'll go. No one on this earth knows your potential or what's in your heart. You alone will answer that. The only thing that limits you is the edge of your imagination."

The young eagle puzzled by this asked, "What should I do?"
"Look to the horizon, spread your wings, and fly."

Copyright 2001, Tom Reilly

Friday, October 16, 2009

Burden Released as a Soul Bound Was Set Free

It was nearly the end of a day when I had a chance to talk to a woman who was bound by Satan for 29 years. Hurt, pain, rejection, abuse, feeling used by others were written all over her life. She could not take it any more.

But today is the day that God has come to meet her and to set her free. God is great. He is always on time. His power is great. God's love is strong. The devil is no match for God.

When she thought today was the day that she would go crazy because the pressure of life was too much on her to bear, God broke through in her spirit to set her free when she reached out to God. She has surrendered her life to Jesus Christ and cried out to God for help.

In desperation for things to change for the better and with faith in God she has called upon the name of Jesus and found the love of God overwhelming her, winning her heart back to God. She has been found by God today.

God has healed the brokenness inside of our hearts and restored them back to the eternal love of God for us. As she received God's forgivenness for her and the Holy Spirit came upon her, her hands started to shake, and she felt the presence of God in her life and the release of pain and burden in her soul was lifted up.

Thanks be to God. God can and will use you to reach others for Christ.

Tell someone about Him today. Let Him use you for the glory of God.

Pastor Linh

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Transformed and Renewed for the Sake of the Kingdom

My world has been changed for the better. It's like the Word of God through the Spirit of God is transforming me from a timid person who has no divine power at all to serve the urgent needs of the time and the hurting people to being a bold person of faith.

Jesus baptized me in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and He has filled me up again.

I've got a new prayer language to communicate with God. It's powerful tool that brings prayer to a new level. God has touched my spirit and moved me to a higher plane, a deeper level of faith in Jesus.

I know He is with me, and He is going to see me through. I am absolutely confident in the strength of the Lord and in His mighty power to save and to deliver. My trust is in the Lord, my Savior, Redeemer and Deliverer.

The people I work with on a day to day are so excited to see the changes taken place by the prayer offered to God on their behalfs. I am excited to know that the Holy Spirit is taking my hands and leading me on.

I have a lot to learn from people of faith who walk with God daily; I learn from those who are familiar with His voice, His will and His plan for their lives and are walking in the power of the Holy Spirit.

I am alive in the Spirit and believe that the best is yet to come. Ministry to win souls for Jesus is becoming more exciting. Jesus is coming soon for the Church, and we all have to be ready.

I believe there are more souls to be won into the kingdom of God through Spirit-filled Christians who are touched by the Spirit of God, and the anointing of God's power will touch and transform many lives for the sake of the Kingdom of God in these last days.

Pastor Linh

The Revival Is Here, and More Is Yet to Come

Revival Conference is great. With great anticipation and expectation of the mighty hand of God moving strong among the participants, more than 900 people came from many places to seek the Lord and the new anointing, Fresh Oil, New Wine.

The worship music is like the heavenly choir is here singing with us. Beautiful worship music bringing joy and pleasure to God Almighty. Jesus is lifted up above all to see. Hungry souls and thirsty spirits yearn and long for God, crying out to God and are satisfied. Some left the same way they came in.

The Holy Spirit has touched many people, healing their spirits, souls, minds and bodies. Many people have given their hearts to the Lord. He is their Savior and Lord now.

Even Dr. Chauncey Crandall, a world-renowned heart surgeon emphasized his ministry of providing the best medicine with prayer in the Name of Jesus and the result is 100%. He has led a lot of people to the Lord and prayed over them. The healing has taken place in many places that he has gone to minister. God is with him; signs and wonders are following him. God is glorified.

One lady told her husband that the itchy patches on her body were gone completely after the prayer.

Another lady who had her shoulders and arms locked up for years is free after the prayer releasing all her fear and pain to God. She surrendered her life to God, rebuking Satan and renouncing all evil, wicked forces in her life.

She cut all ties with her past folk medicine which she called out to the god of this world to give her the power to heal the poor around her. She said that years ago since a young girl, she practiced folk medicine, saw a number of people got healed, but herself got even sicker day by day. She did not know why she is this sick until she attended Dai Hoi and got prayed for.

God delivered her from past bondage and set her free. She can lift her hands to praise God now. She even called her children in Vietnam to take all the altars down and destroyed the idols in the home. God is great.

The Holy Spirit has touched me personally, and I got drunk of Him, full of joy and freedom. He is the number one in my life. I love God's presence in my life; My life will never be the same.

I set my heart to seek Him now, and I will find Him because that is His promise. I receive His power to be bold witness for Him. I will see the Shekinah glory of God.

As I witness the Kingdom of God is with me, God is with me, and I am seeing more people coming to the Lord accepting Him as Savior and Lord; Signs and wonders are following me now. Praise be to God. The best is yet to come.

Jesus is the Way! There is no other way but through Him.

I will set my heart to seek God's presence more and more, serve Him with the new anointing in the power of the Holy Spirit.

In the Name of Jesus, the Gospel will be preached with boldness and power; wicked demons and evil spirits will flee; sickness and diseases will disappear; lives will be healed and restored; souls are set free; spirits yield to God.

The dead shall be raised. The blind shall see. The deaf shall hear. The lame shall walk and dance. The lepers shall be cleansed. Cancer shall be the Name of Jesus of Nazareth. Amen.

Pastor Linh

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Back Pain Gone, and Kneecaps Healed

I met a man this morning on the desperation street of life. He was on a wheelchair in some obvious pain. He could hardly move with his wheelchair. He met me, but he does not know what God has already had in store for him today.

After we talked and shared our life stories, I encouraged his heart to trust the Lord. He opened his heart to give his life to the Lord Jesus and to ask Him to be his Lord and Savior. He unburdened every sin, everything that weighed him down for a long time. He was going to have surgery on his kneecaps soon after our meeting today. He is desperate for God to intervene because he could not live like this any more.

He humbly asked God to heal him and to save him from all these loneliness and pain and hurt. I led him to the Lord, and after the prayer I prayed for his kneecaps and his back. "In the name of Jesus, I command you kneecaps to be restored, to be healed in Jesus Name. Back pain leave him now in Jesus name. Amen." After the prayer, I asked him to check his back and to do something he has not done for a while. He stood up out of his wheelchair, walked and turned around a few times, bent his knees. The back pain was gone instantly.

There was still some pain and discomfort on the right knee, I knelt down, put my hands on his knees again and command all the pain to leave him and never return in Jesus Name."

After that I was the one pushing the wheelchair out of the room for him, he walked more than 100 feet to the end of the hall and to sit down. He could walk now. Thanks be to God. I came back a few days later to see how he is doing. He said, the back pain is gone completely. The kneecaps are doing fine. He is grateful.

God is able to use you; He is able to use anyone of us as we submit to Him and obey his command to go, preach the Gospel, heal the sick in His name, ...Signs and wonders will follow those servants who dare to obey God and to do what God has called them to do in Jesus Name.

The results are up to God. He is the Healer. God is good.

Pastor Linh

Saved and Delivered from Detox

It was a cloudy Wednesday afternoon, along the street of life, sat a lonely woman who was wrecked because of the drugs she has allowed to be in her body. Sitting there waiting for the Detox, she was crying out to God to save her and to deliver her. She used to follow God a long time ago, but has wandered away from God.

Today, God has a divine appointment with her to set her free. He has heard her cry to God and sent me to meet and to pray over her.

As she proceeded to tell me about her life story and all the negative things, the addiction and so on, I felt compelled to stop her right there and asked her "what she would like to ask God to do for her right now?" She said I want God to heal me and to set me free. I then asked her do you believe God can set you free right now? Finally she said yes. Great.

Put out your hands and I will anoint you and pray over you right now. So I led her to the Lord and after her confession to God, I prayed for her asking God to save and to deliver her from her addiction.

Instantly she feels a sense of peace come over her. The burden is lifted off. She still feels a little bit in her heart, and therefore I prayed one more time for her to ask God to deliver her completely.

God did it. She left that place a new creature, a smile appeared on her face and she is relaxed knowing that from now on her life will be different. She has dedicated her life to live for God and to sin no more.

Thank you God for using me to bring hope to the least of these among us here on earth.

Pastor Linh

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Be Filled with the Holy Spirit...

The Revival Conference is a life-changing experience for me this weekend. I am where God has put me to be. Here I am to worship; Here I am to bow down. Here I am to say that you're my God. New Wine song is great. The music worship team is incredible. They are right there being led by the Holy Spirit of God to lead us in worship and in praise.

The Spirit gives us freedom to worship with joy and gladness and healing in our hearts, minds, souls and spirits. The speakers are down to earth, humble yet powerful, mightily anointed to deliver the messages with authority and power from on high. I don't know about you, but I remember the "Chihuahua" now and how to handle it in my life.

The Spirit of God touched me. I feel so free in my spirit to dance, to jump, to lift my hands toward heaven to worship my God, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He moves me to tear as I pray for people. My heart is full of joy which I have not experienced for a long long time.

God is awesome. He is great. The Holy Spirit is moving among us mightily and His presence is so strong at different times of the Conference. People fell down as they were touched by the presence of God and His power surged through them like electricity, like heat...

I've got drunk of the Holy Spirit, dancing in His presence; my legs could not hold me up till I fell over down onto the floor. Jesus gives me a new heart, a new love for Him. Awesome God we serve.

This morning, I was called to bring someone some clothes. He is homeless and did not care for himself at all. I brought him some clothes, and I gave them to someone to give to him. I thought I am done. I moved on meeting, talking with other people.

As I walked by his place again this morning, I was hearing God speaking to my heart to turn around to go and pray for him. Pray? He is not in a good position to receive prayer.

I was trying to talk myself out of God's calling me to pray over this man. I obeyed and turned around to go and pray for him, but I was standing outside his room before entering it with tears in my eye. No Lord. He is filthy; He is bad. I will pray for him after he is cleaned up. I am also angry at the devil for lying to this man, stealing from him his life and trying to kill him with sickness and disease. I am empowered by the Holy Spirit and the heart of Jesus touched my heart again, I opened the door and greeted him. Jesus sent me here to pray over you. Do you know Jesus? After encouraging his heart, I prayed for him.

What a blessing to pray for this homeless man this am. His legs, feet are eaten by maggots; filth, darkness and spirit of death on him. Jesus sent me in. I then realize that Jesus was in the room with me. A moment before, I was crying outside, did not really want to come in.

Now Jesus took over my heart and compelled me to love him and prayed for him; I laid my hand on him and prayed over him in the Name of Jesus. Maggots die in the Name of Jesus...A sense of peace entered the room, the filthy smell is no longer as bad. I am glad to pray for this man today as the first step of obedience after the encounter with God.

God has touched him, and he is at peace with God.

Pastor Linh

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Broken Heart Healed and Soul Delivered in Jesus' Name

What a smile! What a joy! What a big transformation taking place in the life of this young lady who just met Jesus along the way. What a powerful testimony she has already given on the things Christ Jesus has done for her.

I met her a day ago on the road of desperation; depression was the things that dominated her thinking; no more desire to live; sadness was all over her face; the feeling of unworthiness was strong. No emotion. No tear because the pain was so great.

The Lord impressed upon my heart to pay close attention because He is going to deliver her. He is going to save her. Today is her day, a new beginning is about to take place, and she does not know it yet. In God's time everything is made beautiful.

Indeed, through honest and transparent confession and repentance, the healing has come; forgiveness of self and others are a reality. The iniquities, the sins committed in the past were forgiven; her faith in God, in Jesus Christ is restored.
Her life is changed because Jesus has met her; and the countenance is already lit up with beaming joy all over her face.

My friend also noticed her new changes too. Just one day, one encounter with God and things changed for the better. Praise be to God. A new life has begun.

By the grace of God, I was just there at the right place and right time to bring the Word to her, to bring hope to her, to deliver to her the message that God loves her; I was just being the simple instrument in the hands of the Master, and He was able to use me to bring healing, deliverance and forgiveness to her.

Forgiveness is the main key to healing. The anger is released. The pain is lifted off. The physical pain is also lifted off her shoulders. She is being made whole by the power of God in the Name of Jesus. His Name is Wonderful.

What a privilege to witness how Jesus heals right in front of my eyes. As we talked, she mentioned the pain in the back caused by a car accident some time ago, and the pain lingers long and hard.

After talking to her and encouraging her to put her hand on the back pain and pray with me, after the prayer, the back pain is gone immediately. I checked back with her and her friend a few hours later. No more back pain! Praise be to God. I encourage her to have it check again and verify by her doctor and let the doctor evaluate her regarding the back pain.

God is wonderful and mighty in power. I have a lot to learn, but i know the source of power is from the Lord. He is the Healer. Whatever He wants of me, however He wants to use me, to whomever He sends me to minister, I will go to wherever He will send me whenever He commands me to do.

Jesus is my Lord and Savior. He is my Healer, my Redeemer, my Deliverer and My God.

Pastor Linh

Revival Conference Is Here. Be Ready.

Today is the day set aside for the pastors who are already here for the 2009 Revival Conference, Fresh Oil & New Wine.

Check out See the worship live when it happens.

Revival is in the air. It is coming near us. Houston, are we ready? America are we ready? Is the world ready? God is looking for those who are ready to bless them with His glorious presence.

The 100-years prophecy spoken by William Seymour and Charles Parham about Houston that it will experience a mighty Pentecost which will surpass the Azusa Street Revival or any revival before it is now before us to pray even more diligently.

The anointing is following that Presence. Awesome signs and wonders are expected to manifest among us. We are here to listen to the Word spoken to our hearts and minds.

Pastors and members from Vietnam, Europe, Australia, Canada and 28 states in USA are going to be here.

The weather is cool, more rain is forecast to pour. The cold front is coming, but we pray that it will pass us by fast.

We are praying for a mighty downpour of spiritual latter rain promised in the Bible. The former and the latter rain together prophesied in Joel 2:23 and James 5:7 will precede the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We are praying that more souls will travail in prayers and more unsaved souls will be won into the Kingdom of God.

What will happen to Houston and the vicinities when 5 million souls turn to Christ, marching down the streets, praying everywhere at every bus stop, in every bar, in all restaurants, movie theaters people will be found praying, kneeling by the sidewalks to pray, to sing, to pray in spiritual language, to prophesy...

Lord, You are invited to come and to dwell here with us. Have full control of the Revival conference. It's your Conferencing with us. Have full control over our lives.

"Here I am to worship. Here I am to bow down. Here I am to say that You're My God..."

Pastor Linh

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Deliverance Ministry - Demons Left

I just met a man on the street of life. He is full of troubles already. Looking very devilish; right away he said his friends would call him the devil and that he was going to hell. He looks very tense with fists curled ready to throw a punch or two. I was standing near him with much caution, just in case he threw a punch and I just had to move out of his way fast.

We found a table with some chairs, sat down and talked a little bit. I felt the Spirit of God led us to meet so that this poor man can be set free today.

Immediately, after sitting down, he turned to me and said, "Would you pray for me that God will deliver me out of this miserble situations." I asked him "Why? What happened? Please tell me." He said demons are possessing him and tormenting him for a while.

After listening to him for a few moments I felt compelled to command the demons to be bound in the Name of Jesus. As I started commanding, his whole body tensed up greatly that the table shook. I felt electricity going through my body.

The demons started to manifest right away. He started to twist and turn on his chair. No one was around to witness. I stood up away from the chair continuing to pray commanding the demons to be bound and cast out of this man. By this time, it happened so quickly that the man was already on the floor falling out of his chair, shook some more on the carpet floor, rolling a little bit. Suddenly, there was calmness. Then he said some demons just left me. Great.

Please get back on the chair. I asked the man how many there are in his body. He just shook his head saying "many". Then he asked me can you pray in tongues to command these demons to leave me. I was waiting for the Lord to lead me next what to do. I felt there are open doors somewhere. If he did not confess his sins or if he leaves a door open somewhere the devil can be cast out and then right away comes back.

Indeed, he was involved in much witchcraft, idol worship and lots of unbelief. He would not want to pray to invite Jesus to come into his life. He would not confess his sins. He pointed then to his head and asked me to pray for healing there.

I prayed over him, but at this time, I felt that he is not ready to be delivered. I prayed some more for him knowing that I will need to come back the next day to visit him and we will go from there.

Oh Yes, Jesus comes to destroy the works of the devil. I know the devil is mad at me for daring to pray over these people. God is mighty in power. He is more than ready to deliver those who are ready to call upon His Name.

We cannot do God's work with man's power.

Lord, let the anointing come mightily upon us who are called by you to do your works.

Pastor Linh

Freedom to Worship

Last night at the church prayer meeting of more than 120 people, after the pastor's introduction calling us to prayer for Revival, we opened our hearts, minds, souls and spirits to worship God.

New songs were sung with excitement, joy and gladness. The worship team was wonderful. Yes, New wine, Fresh Oil! We definitely ask, seek and knock on God's door awaiting Him to lead us into the presence of God.

We open ourselves to receive the Holy Spirit, to take in more of Him in our lives, to experience the streams of living water to overflow. Yes, people around seem to feel more at ease to dance in His presence, to lift up their hands to heaven to praise and to worship.

I myself feel a whole lot freedom to dance a few steps as if I never dance before, to shout praises, and to sing as the Spirit of God moves me. It is so good to praise God and to spend time in His presence. All other things are secondary. He is the main thing; God is the main focus.

I realize that the mind is so keenly aware of everything surrounding it; the tradition that I grew up in, and sometimes the traditions of man, the thoughts that other people were watching, judging me, prevented me from freely worshiping God.

No more timidity. No more self-consciousness. No more fear of what other people think of me would stop me from praising God; I pray that we can lift up our hearts, minds, souls and spirits to sing new songs unto the Lord and expect the Holy Spirit to move freely among us so that more praises will be lifted up to the Father in heaven.

Jesus is sweeter and sweeter to me day by day.

The anointing of God is stronger in my life as the days go by. Lord help me honor you, and help me use the anointing in a way that glorifies you and brings healing to many.

Pastor Linh