Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cứu Chúa Giê-xu Của Tôi - My Lord Jesus

Cứu Chúa Giê-xu Của Tôi
Lời: Ngọc Thanh; Nhạc của bài “The Lily of the Valley”

1. Bạn thân tôi mới ra đi; đau lòng quá nên tâm bồi hồi. Lòng tôi sao xôn xao, tôi nhớ, tôi thương bạn hiền. Ngày xưa đi nhóm thanh niên, sinh hoạt, hát, vui chơi, nô đùa. Cùng nhau lo lắng công việc Cha, sáng danh Giê-xu. Giờ đây bay lên nơi Thiên Quốc, thấy rõ Giê-xu diệu vinh. Có Ngài đời đời, lòng sướng vui tôn vinh Ngài.

Điệp Khúc:
Giê-xu, Chân Chúa yêu thương, nhân từ ở bên con không rời. Lòng con vui hát khen ngợi danh Chúa Cha muôn đời.

2. Cầu xin Đức Thánh Linh Cha trong lòng ủi an con khi buồn. Nhờ Ngài thương ban ơn, thêm sức con đi theo Ngài. Dầu cho giông tố bao quanh, nhưng lòng vẫn tin nơi Giê-xu. Nhờ ân Cha giúp con vượt qua những cơn ba đào. Lòng con luôn luôn vui tuơi, quyết chí nhất tâm theo Giê-xu, vững lòng hằng ngày làm sáng danh Cha trên trời.

3. Đời con dâng Chúa Giê-xu, xin Ngài quản cai tâm con hoài. Nhờ ân Cha yêu thương đưa dắt con trên linh trình. Lòng con kiên quyết theo Giê-xu, nhờ Chúa tâm luôn an bình. Đời con vui sướng thay nhờ Giê-xu luôn đi cùng. Ngày đêm con luôn tôn vinh Chúa, có Chúa luôn đi gần bên dắt dìu cuộc đời này bước vô trong Thiên Đàng.

1. My Lord, Jesus, the Christ, You’re my God and my Savior. You’re the Way, the Truth, the Life, and You’re my all. You’ve sent my Comforter to come down and be with me. You love me and care for me. I am so blessed. I am happy to be with Jesus, my Lord and King. I am so blessed You are always with me.
You’re the Lord Jesus, the Christ; You’re my Savior and my King.
You’re my God. I bow and praise and worship You.

2. Holy Spirit, my God, You’re my Teacher and my Lord. You’re the One God sent to lead me to your truth. You are my Comforter; you’re the sweetest One I know. I love you and honor you and worship you. Fill me to the fullest with your presence and power. Help me follow you all the way daily.
You are God’s Holy Spirit; You’re my Teacher and my God.
You’re my Lord. I bow and praise and worship You.

Reo Vui Mừng Chúa - Joyfully Praising You

Reo Vui Mừng Chúa

Nhạc & Lời: Nguyễn Vũ NgọcLinh, 11/11/08

1. Chúa kính mến, chúng con về nơi này.
Vui reo vang hát lên mừng tôn vinh Chúa.
Chúa kính mến, chúng con cùng chung lòng,
dâng lên Cha muôn ngàn tiếng hát.
Dâng lên Chúa, Đức Chúa Trời của con,
là Cha yêu thương, là Vua Giê-xu,
Đức Thánh Linh đời đời hằng sống.

Điệp Khúc:
Tâm linh con chúc tôn danh thánh Ngài.
Dâng lên Cha kính yêu lòng khát khao.
Yêu Giê-xu hiến dâng tâm, sức, hồn.
Yêu tha nhân rao báo Tin Mừng.
Yêu thương, tôn kính Danh Cha sáng ngời.
Vui ca vang với muôn vàn thánh nhân.
Yêu Giê-xu hiến dâng tâm, sức, hồn.
Yêu tha nhân hết sức rao Tin Mừng.

2. Chúa Chí Thánh, Đấng ban niềm vui mừng.
Tâm con vui, biết ơn, ngợi ca Danh Chúa.
Ánh sáng Chúa chiếu soi tràn tâm hồn,
Tâm linh con vui mừng, sung sướng.
Tôn vinh Chúa, Cứu Chúa Giê-xu Christ.
Tình yêu Cha ban, ngàn năm không phai.
Chúa Chí Cao hằng còn mãi mãi.

Ha-lê-lu-gia! A-men.
Ha-lê-lu-gia! A-men.

Joyfully Praising You

Music & Word: Linh Nguyen 11/11/08

1. Loving God, we come in this place.
Joyfully singing, praising You, Lord.
Loving God, we are of one heart.
Lifting up our praise to You.
My dear God, I praise you Father.
Loving Father, my King Jesus,
Holy Ghost, Eternal God.

My spirit praises You, oh Lord.
I love You with all of my heart.
I love Jesus, all that I am.
God loves you. Hear the Good News.
Loving, praising His holy Name.
Singing songs with all of the saints.
I love Jesus, all that I am.
God loves you. Hear ye God’s Good News.

2. Holy God, You’ve given me joy.
I’m grateful, singing, praising Your Name.
You’re the Light that shines in my heart;
My spirit is blessed greatly,
Praising you, my Lord Jesus Christ.
The Father’s love will never fade.
Awesome God, everlasting.

Hallelujah! Amen.
Hallelujah! Amen.

Tình Dừa - Tình Dừa Không Phai

Tình Dừa

Dừa tươi uống mát khỏe người.
Nước trong, cái trắng ngọt bùi thơm ngon.
Tình ta thêm dạ sắc son,
Bởi tình Dừa mãi vẫn còn trong ta.
Mỗi tuần đến Bi-Đa-Ra,
Biển trời thắm mát tình ta với mình.
Trời xanh mây trắng hữu tình,
Nước xanh cát trắng chỉ mình với ta.
Nhấp nhô sóng nước bao la,
Nhìn đôi chim én ngỡ ta với mình.
Núi đồi, biển cả đẹp xinh,
Tình yêu nồng thắm giữa mình với ta.
Mỗi ngày mang đến Sarah,
Dừa tươi thắm mát tình ta với mình.
Tình yêu dấn bước linh trình,
Chúa đà nối kết tình mình với ta.
Nhớ ngày kết ước không xa,
Ngày ni chỉ có tình ta với mình.
Sống sao cho vẹn cuộc tình,
Làm vui lòng Chúa giữa mình với ta.
Tình Dừa, biển Bi Đa Ra,
Xóa bao hờn dỗi giữa ta với mình.
Từ nay sống trọn cuộc tình,
Trong tình yêu Chúa giữa mình với ta.

Nguyễn Thới Lai, 06/22/09

Tình Dừa Không Phai

Tình yêu hai quả dừa xanh,
Mỗi ngày khắn khít song hành với nhau.
Có nhau trên mọi nẻo đường,
Có vui cùng hưởng, có buồn cùng chia.
Bên nhau chẳng muốn chia lìa,
Tình yêu biển rộng, tràn đầy, dâng cao.
Có nhau bên cạnh cuộc đời,
Sáng trưa chiều tối mỗi ngày có nhau.
Thương nhau không để nhau đau,
Sau này sẽ tiếc những ngày xa nhau.
Thời gian rồi sẽ qua mau,
Dừa xanh hãy vẹn chữ tình với nhau.
Me-la-ka, Bi-đa-ra!
Nơi ta gởi trọn tâm tình hiến dâng.
Tình ta cho Chúa Thiên Đàng,
Xin Ngài giữ vẹn tình dừa với nhau.
Yêu nhau như Chúa yêu mình,
Yêu người như Chúa hạ mình hiến dâng.
Thành tâm cung kính kêu cầu,
Xin Ngài ban phước tình dừa đậm sâu.
Giàu sang, nghèo thiếu, vui buồn,
Lòng ta vẫn trọn tình yêu với Ngài.
Yêu nhau như thuở ban đầu,
Trong tình yêu Chúa tình dừa không phai.

Nguyễn Vũ Ngọc Linh, 06/22/09

In Your Holy Presence - Trong Sự Hiện Diện Thánh Khiết của Ngài

In Your Holy Presence (Em)
By Nguyen Vu Ngoc Linh, began on 6/18/09,
continued on the airplane on 6/23/09, finished on 6/28/09

1. In your holy presence Lord. In your holy presence Lord. Here I come, as I am, before you Lord. Here I come before your throne. You're awesome; you're holy; you're wonderful. Here I am in your presence.

2. I bow down before you God. I delight in your presence. I worship you, Father. I love you Lord. I love you with all my heart. All my soul, all my strength, all my spirit. I rejoice in your presence.

I want more of you God in my life. I want more of Jesus in my heart.
I want more of the Spirit in my soul. I want more and more of You in my life.
Baptize me with the Spirit and fire. Anoint me, fill me up, Lord Jesus.
I love you, worship you, and honor you. Let your fire descend on me now, I pray.
Almighty God, Wonderful Counselor, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Emmanuel, Morning Star, Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Bread of Life, Living Water, Son of God and Son of Man, my Healer.
Baptizer of the Spirit and of fire. My High Priest, my Intercessor. I love you. Hallelujah. Amen.

3. Lord Jesus, my dear Savior. I thank you for saving me. You're my God; you're my Lord, my Good Shepherd. I am yours, and you are mine. You're my love; you're my peace; you are my joy. You're my strength; My All in all.

4. You're the Way; you are the Truth. You're the Life; You are my Lord. Lord of lords, King of kings, soon coming King. Forever, you're the I AM. You're my love; you're my friend, my Comforter, my Teacher, my Lord, my God.

Trong Sự Hiện Diện Thánh Khiết của Ngài (Em)
Nguyễn Vũ Ngọc Linh, 6/28/09

1. Vào trong nơi Chúa Cha toàn năng, Lòng con tôn vinh Cha thánh khiết. Lòng khiêm cung con chúc tôn Chúa Cha diệu vinh, Ngài ngự trên ngôi đầy vinh hiển. Ngài đẹp thay, thánh khiết thay, Chúa vinh diệu thay. Lòng con vui chúc tôn danh Ngài.
2. Lòng con vui cúi trước bệ ngai. Lòng con dâng lên Cha câu hát. Lòng con đây xin quản cai. Con yêu Ngài thôi. Trọn lòng con yêu Ngài say đắm. Hồn linh con, tâm trí con, tất cả đời con. Nguyện dâng lên trước Vua muôn đời.

Điệp Khúc:
Lòng con khao khát Chúa Cha, mong gần luôn. Lòng con yêu thương Giê-xu nhiều hơn nữa. Lòng con mong Chúa Thánh Linh giáng trên đời con. Lòng con yêu Chúa hơn, yêu Cha nhiều mãi luôn.
BápTem con trong Thánh Linh, lửa, quyền năng. Dầu Cha ban, ân, linh năng tuôn tràn luôn. Thờ phượng Cha, yêu Cha hơn, kính yêu Ngài thôi. Lửa Thánh Linh Cha ban trên con bùng cháy luôn.
Thần Linh khôn ngoan, Chúa Cha yêu thương oai nghi, Đấng muôn năm luôn y nguyên, Chúa An Bình.
Em-ma-nu-ên, Ánh Sao Mai, Chiên của Cha là Đấng vô tội chết thế cho tội nhân.
Suối Nước Sống, Bánh nuôi tâm con, Đấng Cha sai để cứu nhân gian.
Ngài ban cho Đức Thánh Linh Cha, lửa linh soi. Ngài thay con dâng tiếng kêu cầu hoài. Con yêu Ngài. Ha-lê-lu-gia. A-men.

3. Lạy Giê-xu Đấng Cứu chuộc con. Lòng tạ ơn Ngài chuộc mua con. Ngài là Cha, Chúa kính yêu, Đấng chăn hồn con. Trọn lòng con luôn thuộc Ngài mãi. Người con yêu, con mến thương, Đấng ban niềm vui. Lòng con luôn kính yêu thương Ngài.
4. Là Đường đi, Sức sống của con. Giê-xu Christ, Ngài là Chân Lý. Vua muôn vua, Chúa các chúa, Đấng sắp ngự lai. Ngài là Đấng Hằng còn mãi mãi. Người con yêu, Đấng Ủi an, Chúa luôn gần bên, Là Bạn thân, Đấng con tôn thờ.

What Money Can Buy

Money will buy:

A bed but not sleep.

Books but not brains.

Food but not appetite.

Finery but not beauty.

A house but not a home.

Medicine but not health.

Luxuries but not culture.

Amusement but not happiness.

A crucifix but not a Saviour.

A church pew but not heaven.

What money can't buy, Jesus Christ can give freely without charge.

Is Jesus Christ your Lord and Saviour?

If not, you can get a new lease on life right now.

Confess to God that you have sinned and that you want to turn from your sins to receive Jesus as Lord of your life.

Through that step of believing faith you can start life afresh with your sins forgiven and a new life in Christ.

(c) 1989 Money-A-Tracts Intl.

Evangelists who love Vietnam


You are invited to click on the site above and discover people who love Vietnam and have come to minister to our people many times.

I would highly recommend David and his wife to you. They are open to speak in your churches. Very gifted couple who have a burning desire and passion for souls.

Pastor Linh

Monday, June 29, 2009

Recapping, Reflecting, and Thanking God

The Vietnamese National Convocation of the UMC was over. Everyone is going back to their homes, their places of ministry and service. I am glad to be home. I want to recap some of the things I saw happen there. I am sure everyone has learned something new, something useful, something challenging them to grow stronger in their walk with God.

I have to say that the fellowship is great; no doubt about it. People connected with one another; old and new relationships were established and strengthened. Some still needs more time, patience, effort and work to heal. People are people. Each has come from many different walks of life. Each is unique.

The food is extraordinarily wonderfully tasty and delicious; Thank you to Mr. Hoa Khanh and the wonderful staff of assistant cooks, helpers and servers. Great jobs everyone whose wonderful hearts of service and great attitudes shown, serving with a smile is evident.

The local praise team is great; new songs, new flavor of praise and worship music were introduced. Powerpoint presentations needs to flow; the screen needs to be in a better position, and microphone system needs some improvement; More microphones for worship leaders needed to improve quality of sound. We must learn to lead the congregation into the presence of God where He is truly worshiped by His people.

The preaching in the morning have different speakers who shared some personal stories and messages; however a few individual points seem personally expressing a certain hurt, struggle and frustration. More time for group prayer is needed.

The preaching at night was beautifully written, eloquently delivered with many personal stories and illustrations; however it did not yet bring people fully into the presence of God; where his power is demonstrated. Definitely, we need more time for altar calls, for recommittment of faith, for new dedication to service and ministry.

There was a special prayer time for a missionary which caught the attention. That was when we were really exposed ourselves becoming more transparent and real and allowed the Spirit of God to enter in and minister to us.

There was a prayer after the morning session when one couple was prayed for healing of demonic influence. It may signal a new beginning for the fresh move of God in the life of the church.

Prayer for deliverance is done in the name of Jesus casting out demons out of the life of this couple who had been harassed by the evil ones. Afterward some pastors came to help them clean the house of demonic influence and more prayer of deliverance took place. There was another request for prayer for deliverance.

There was a prayer for healing where Jesus was asked to heal a group of about 30 people coming up to the altar area for prayer.

The new song sheets were introduced. Great translations of new hymnal music.

The youth and young adults volleyball games were excellent. Good involvement from everyone participated.

We need to think of a strategy which will help us start new churches and ministries in America. We must learn to do it right to avoid unnecessary pains and conflicts. We must be willing to wait for the right leaders to step forward, those who are called and chosen by God to lead. We must raise up our own leaders who fear God and who walk in His way. We must learn to work together.

Did God really have His way in our lives through this Convocation? Did the Holy Spirit have a prominent place in the life of the believers and of the church? Did Jesus show up? Is He fully welcomed and actively working among us today?

We may still have a lot to learn how to lead the people of God into His presence. His power has not yet visibly shown or demonstrated. More healing and deliverance need to take place.

Overall, we give thanks to You Father. We thank you Jesus and the Holy Spirit for a new beginning. We give thanks for the past leaders who served faithfully. Bless the new leaders as they learn to discern your will and feel your heart and follow your guidance. We shall know the truth and the truth shall set us free.

Lord, we still have a lot to learn from you. Teach us always to walk in your way oh Lord we pray.

Pastor Linh

Ministry of Healing and Deliverance

By the anointing of the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:38)

In the Name of Jesus, “By his stripes, bruises, wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5; Matthew 8:17; I Peter 2:24)

These signs will accompany those who believe: (Mark 16:17-18)

* * *
Mark 2 (healing of a lame man);

Mark 10:46-52 (Bartimaeus – God still heals the blind today.)

John 6:2 (Great multitudes followed Jesus because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased);

Acts 1:1 (Jesus began to do and teach);

Acts 4:33 (with great power we give witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace is upon us all);

Acts 5:12, 14 (Many signs and wonders were wrought among the people; and believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women);

I Corinthians 2:1-5 (…but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power;)

Heb. 2:4 (God also bearing us witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost);

Heb. 13:8 (Jesus Christ is still the same, yesterday, today and forever);

* * *

1. Teach people that God the Father loves them; that He does not want them to perish. (John 3:16; II Peter 3:9)

2. Teach people about Jesus Christ who is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8).

3. Preach the Good News “The Kingdom of God is at hand.”; Call sinners to repent; (Acts 2:37-39)

4. Lead people in a prayer to accept Christ as Savior (John 1:12). Lead people to repeat the Sinner Prayer to receive the Lord Jesus Christ in their hearts; to surrender their lives to Christ, and to be healed of their diseases (Romans 10:9-10; II Corinthians 5:17).

5. Instruct people to forsake their past lives, to follow Jesus, to read His Word, to worship, and to share the Gospel with others. (Romans 12:1-2; Galatians 2:20)

6. Instruct people in how to have faith for healing (Mark 11:24) –

a. Jesus is the Healer (Psalm 103:3; the Gospels); He is the risen Son of God.
b. His life in them is healing life, abundant life (John 10:10),
c. It is his will for them to be well,
d. His promise is for everyone,
e. they must ask in faith (Matthew 7:7; Romans 1:16),
f. they must thank God for what they believe they have received,
g. they must put their faith in action by doing whatever they could not do before,
h. they may come up on the platform and tell the multitude about their miracle
i. show the people whatever God has done as a witness that Jesus is alive and unchanged,
j. help others have more faith to believe on Christ for their own salvation and healing.

7. Pray for the sick in the name of Jesus.

8. Give thanks and honor to God. To God be all the glory. God is glorified; the city is truly stirred to believe on Jesus Christ and to serve Him.

People are healed in the name of Jesus.

Miracles, signs and wonders are still happening today.

Jesus comes and makes us whole again today.

Sins are forgiven; souls are saved; spirits set free; relationships are restored;
Physical, mental and spiritual healing are yours today;

Creative miracles happen! Joy exploded! City is stirred. People are saved.

How would you, your families and your cities rejoice when the Lord heals you and your loved ones of these diseases and sickness?

How would you want to live and operate like you were living in the Bible time today?

Will you believe God and His promises and His commands? Will you trust God to do through you what He has done through many others? Will you obey His commands? Will you receive by faith what God has given you through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit? Will you celebrate God’s victories big or small and give Him all the praises and glory?

There are so many diseases and sicknesses which need to be healed in the name of Jesus. There are so many hurting people out there who have not known Jesus yet. Jesus wants to save them all. He does not want anyone to perish. Jesus wants to do for them what he has done in the past generations.

Recently, I have seen some of these miracles done by many of God’s servants in the past, in the present, and I want to see more done in the near future through ordinary people of faith like you and me. Nothing is impossible with God. I believe if He can use servants in the past generations, then He can use servants of this generation and the generations to come for His glory.

Do you believe that God is preparing you, calling you to do like He does and even more…Today!

T.L. Osborn and his wife recorded for us many of the miracles, signs and wonders happened in their ministry of healing the sick. I just want to list some of them for us to see and thank God. They have seen people healed of these:
Cancerous ulcer; tumor; brain tumor;
rupture membrane;
deaf since birth; totally deaf; deaf ear could hear a faint whisper;
born deaf; dumb
broken bones; left for dead;
body twisted; shoulder, rib, pelvic bones broken, re-broken;
deformed body;
nerves in one leg damaged by injection;
one leg is shorter than the other;
brittle ankle;
one full leg brace and built up shoe for the other;
never walked in her life was carried in a bed by her friend;
walked with a cane; foot wrapped in cloth;
leg badly swollen; walked on crutches;
cripples; took off braces; threw away canes and crutches;
Not able to walk; Wheelchair bound healed;
Arthritis; knees were bent and turned inward;
Joint problems;
Broken leg and a fractured disc in her spine;
bedfast, unable to walk and to help herself; lame feet and legs
stiff hips; barely been able to walk;
crossed eyes from birth; blind; lost eyesight; had no vision; the sightless;
heart problems;
terrible suffering in the bladder;
stomach cancerous tumor
disease of deterioration of the bones;
polio; leprosy; tuberculosis;
asthma for years; hardly breathe; great pain in the abdomen;
pain from accident; back pain; could not bend over; spasms;
epilepsy; convulsion; shaking palsy; hands unsteady; spastic paralysis; contortions ceased;
tormenting spirit left;
noises in the head; nearly deaf;
evil power left; devils left; the demonic possessed delivered.
The dead raised.

Oh, how I have so much to learn from Godly leaders, servants of the Lord who know how to come into God’s presence; who are filled with God’s power to do God’s will.

Oh how I need God’s power today to do what He has prepared for me to do for the Kingdom of God.

Oh how Jesus has called me to step out of the boat, out of the comfort zone, out of the ordinary to do something extraordinary.

Oh what a price I must pay in order for the will and plan of God to be accomplished in my life.

Pastor Linh

Monday, June 22, 2009

What Will You Leave Behind?

I recently attended a funeral of a well beloved man in a church. How he lived his life after he became a Christian was life-transforming, how he served his wife coffee or tea everyday for 41 plus years was incredible and sweet, how he served the people at the church with sincerity, humility and friendliness was remarkable.

He is well spoken of; lots of tears shed for him and for those who are still behind. What a beautiful service he had received.

He died suddenly while sitting on his sofa; his wife was not at home when he went to be with the Lord; on his face as he was found, a face of a person sleeping in his sleep, peacefully and resting. No sign of physical illness; no sign of a struggle, no sign of pain. What a way to go! We all will miss him. His place will be empty, and the roles he played will be hard to fill.

I am reminded of how short and precious life is; that morning he had a cup of coffee with his wife and they said goodbyes. She went to run some chores. When she called home he did not answer his phone. When others called to come and pick him up for the Vacation Bible School, he did not answer the door. They called his wife saying that he did not answer the door. She called again, still no answer.

Immediately she felt in her heart that she heard the Lord telling her that today He has taken him to be with God in heaven. She prayed again to the Lord and knew that this is the familiar voice of God that she heard before a few times, and God's always right every time. She began to bargain with God, and also asking for a sign; she drove home as soon as she could. However, she knew as soon as she opened the garage door that what God told her is true; she knew that he was gone.

After getting someone's help to support her, she came inside the house and upon seeing him sitting still, she knew he was gone. The pastor was called; He and his wife came with others from the church to support and to pray for her and to help her prepare for his funeral. It was tough.

Many of us are still in shock; we could not believe that he was already gone; we know that to be absent from the body is to be with the Lord; Many came for the Wake and the funeral and the service at the grave site.

Songs were sung; Scripture was read; sermon was preached, and we all paid our final visit and respect to a man who loves God and his wife and family; Indeed, God is magnified; Jesus is glorified; the Holy Spirit is working in the hearts of those who love God to comfort them and to strengthen them.

How will we live our lives differently if we only know tomorrow is our last day? We don't really know what our tomorrow will be, do we. God keeps that mystery away from us. We only need to know that one day we will die and be taken into the presence of God.

We have to be ready any time. Are we ready to meet our Maker any time? Is our house in order? Is our heart at peace with God? Is Jesus in our heart as the Lord and Savior of our lives?

Is there anything that we need to say to our loved ones? Is there anything that we need to do for our loved ones to show to them that we love them and care for them? When is the last time that you say "I love you." to your spouse, to your children and grandchildren? When is the last time that you did a kind thing for someone you love?

Do we need to forgive someone? Do we need to ask someone for forgiveness? We can only do it today, right now when we still have a chance. Do it now. Do it today.
What legacy will we leave behind for our families? How will others remember us?

Titles, degrees, money, things, cars, houses, toys and more toys, none of which we can bring with us to heaven, but we can bring our loved ones to the Lord; we can share the Gospel with someone and when the Lord saves them, we will see them again in heaven.

We can create lasting memories that our loved ones will treasure for life; we can serve the Lord while we can with what He has given us, with the time and energy and the gifts He has blessed us with, with the people that He puts around us to care and to make a difference in their lives.

What will you do if you only know today is the last day of your life? The choice is yours. How will you spend the last hour? What will others say about you when you are gone? What will Jesus say about you?

Don't we all want to hear him say, "Good and Faithful servant, come and rejoice with me..."

Pastor Linh

Friday, June 19, 2009

Sermon of John Wesley on Healing

The Sermons of John Wesley
John Wesley (1703-1791) founded Methodism. A prolific writer, he printed several volumes of his sermons during his lifetime. The published sermons either were rewritten from ones that he had preached or were written specifically for print.

On Visiting the Sick
By John Wesley
Sermon 98
(text from the 1872 edition)

"I was sick, and ye visited me." Matthew 25:36

1. It is generally supposed, that the means of grace and the ordinances of God are equivalent terms. We commonly mean by that expression, those that are usually termed, works of piety; viz., hearing and reading the Scripture, receiving the Lord's Supper, public and private prayer, and fasting.

And it is certain these are the ordinary channels which convey the grace of God to the souls of men. But are they the only means of grace? Are there no other means than these, whereby God is pleased, frequently, yea, ordinarily, to convey his grace to them that either love or fear him? Surely there are works of mercy, as well as works of piety, which are real means of grace.

They are more especially such to those that perform them with a single eye. And those that neglect them, do not receive the grace which otherwise they might. Yea, and they lose, by a continued neglect, the grace which they had received. Is it not hence that many who were once strong in faith are now weak and feeble-minded?

And yet they are not sensible whence that weakness comes, as they neglect none of the ordinances of God. But they might see whence it comes, were they seriously to consider St. Paul's account of all true believers: "We are his workmanship, created anew in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before prepared, that we might walk therein." (Eph. 2:10)

2. The walking herein is essentially necessary, as to the continuance of that faith whereby we are already saved grace, so to the attainment of everlasting salvation. Of this cannot doubt, if we seriously consider that these are the very words of the great Judge himself: "Come, ye blessed children of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

For I was hungry, and ye gave me meat: Thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me." (Matt. 25:34, &c.) "Verily, I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it to the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." If this does not convince you that the continuance in works of mercy is necessary to salvation, consider what the Judge of all says to those on the left hand: "Depart, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was hungry, and ye gave me no meat: Thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: Naked, and ye clothed me not: Sick and in prison, and ye visited me not. Inasmuch as ye have not done it unto one of the least of these neither have ye done it unto me." You see, were it for this alone, they must "depart" from God "into everlasting punishment."

3. Is it not strange, that this important truth should be so little understood, or, at least, should so little influence the practice of them that fear God? Suppose this representation be true, suppose the Judge of all the earth speaks right, those, and those only, that feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, relieve the stranger, visit those that are in prison, according to their power and opportunity, shall "inherit the everlasting kingdom." And those that do not shall "depart into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels".
4. I purpose, at present, to confine my discourse to one article of these, -- visiting the sick: A plain duty, which all that are in health may practise in a higher or lower degree; and which, nevertheless, is almost universally neglected, even by those that profess to love God. And touching this I would inquire,

I. What is implied in visiting the sick?
II. How is it to be performed? -- And,
III. By whom?

First, I would inquire, What is the nature of this duty? What is implied in "visiting the sick?"
1. By the sick, I do not mean only those that keep their bed, or that are sick in the strictest sense. Rather I would include all such as are in a state of affliction, whether of mind or body; and that whether they are good or bad, whether they fear God or not.

2. "But is there need of visiting them in person? May we not relieve them at a distance? Does it not answer the same purpose if we send them help as if we carry it ourselves?" Many are so circumstanced that they cannot attend the sick in person; and where this is the real case it is undoubtedly sufficient for them to send help, being the only expedient they can use. But this is not properly visiting the sick; it is another thing. The word which we render visit, in its literal acceptation, means to look upon. And this, you well know, cannot be done unless you are present with them. To send them assistance is, therefore, entirely a different thing from visiting them. The former, then, ought to be done, but the latter not left undone.

"But I send a physician to those that are sick; and he can do them more good than I can." He can, in one respect; he can do them more good with regard to their bodily health. But he cannot do them more good with regard to their souls, which are of infinitely greater importance. And if he could, this would not excuse you: His going would not fulfil your duty. Neither would it do the same good to you, unless you saw them with your own eyes. If you do not, you lose a means of grace; you lose an excellent means of increasing your thankfulness to God, who saves you from this pain and sickness, and continues your health and strength; as well as of increasing your sympathy with the afflicted, your benevolence, and all social affections.

3. One great reason why the rich, in general, have so little sympathy for the poor, is, because they so seldom visit them. Hence it is, that, according to the common observation, one part of the world does not know what the other suffers. Many of them do not know, because they do not care to know: they keep out of the way of knowing it; and then plead their voluntary ignorances an excuse for their hardness of heart. "Indeed, Sir," said person of large substance, "I am a very compassionate man. But, to tell you the truth, I do not know anybody in the world that is in want." How did this come to pass? Why, he took good care to keep out of their way; and if he fell upon any of them unawares "he passed over on the other side."

4. How contrary to this is both the spirit and behaviour of even people of the highest rank in a neighbouring nation! In Paris, ladies of the first quality, yea, Princesses of the blood, of the Royal Family, constantly visit the sick, particularly the patients in the Grand Hospital. And they not only take care to relieve their wants, (if they need anything more than is provided for them) but attend on their sick beds, dress their sores, and perform the meanest offices for them. Here is a pattern for the English, poor or rich, mean or honourable! For many years we have abundantly copied after the follies of the French; let us for once copy after their wisdom and virtue, worthy the imitation of the whole Christian world. Let not the gentlewomen, or even the countesses in England, be ashamed to imitate those Princesses of the blood! Here is a fashion that does honour to human nature. It began in France; but God forbid it should end there!"

5. And if your delicacy will not permit you to imitate those truly honourable ladies, by abasing yourselves in the manner which they do, by performing the lowest offices for the sick, you may, however, without humbling yourselves so far, supply them with whatever they want. And you may administer help of a more excellent kind, by supplying their spiritual wants; instructing them (if they need such instruction) in the first principles of religion; endeavouring to show them the dangerous state they are in, under the wrath and curse of God, through sin; and pointing them to the "Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world."

Beside this general instruction, you might have abundant opportunities of comforting those that are in pain of body, distress of mind; you might find opportunities of strengthening the feeble-minded, quickening those that are faint and weary; and of building up those that have believed, and encouraging them to "go on to perfection." But these things you must do in your own person; you see they cannot be done by proxy. Or suppose you could give the same relief to the sick by another, you could not reap the same advantage to yourself; you could not gain that increase in lowliness, in patience, in tenderness of spirit, in sympathy with the afflicted, which you might have gained, if you had assisted them in person. Neither would you receive the same recompense in the resurrection of the just, when "every man shall receive his own reward, according to his own labour."

1. I proceed to inquire, in the Second place, How are we to visit them? In what manner may this labour of love be most effectually performed? How may we do this most to the glory of God, and the benefit of our neighbour? But before ever you enter upon the work, you should be deeply convinced that you are by means sufficient for it; you have neither sufficient grace, nor sufficient understanding, to perform it in the most excellent manner. And this will convince you of the necessity of applying to the Strong for strength; and of flying to the Father of Lights, the Giver of every good gift, for wisdom; ever remembering, "there is a Spirit in man that giveth wisdom; and the inspiration of the Holy One that giveth understanding." Whenever, therefore, you are about to enter upon the work, seek his help by earnest prayer. Cry to him for the whole spirit of humility, lest if pride steal into your heart, if you ascribe anything to yourself, while you strive to save others you destroy your own soul.

Before and through the work, from the beginning to the end, let your heart wait upon him for a continual supply of meekness and gentleness, of patience and longsuffering, that you may never be angry or discouraged at whatever treatment, rough or smooth, kind or unkind, you may meet with. Be not moved with the deep ignorance of some, the dullness, the amazing stupidity of others; marvel not at their peevishness or stubbornness, at their non-improvement after all the pains that you have taken; yea, at some of them turning back to perdition, and being worse than they were before. Still your record is with the Lord, and your reward with the Most High.
2. As to the particular method of treating the sick, you need not tie yourself down to any, but may continually vary your manner of proceeding as various circumstances may require. But it may not be amiss, usually, to begin with inquiring into their outward condition. You may ask whether they have the necessaries of life; whether they have sufficient food and raiment; if the weather be cold, whether they have fuel; whether they have needful attendance; whether they have proper advice, with regard to their bodily disorder; especially if it be of a dangerous kind.

In several of these respects you may be able to give them some assistance yourself; and you may move those that are more able than you, to supply your lack of service. You might properly say in your own case, "To beg I am ashamed;" but never be ashamed to beg for the poor; yea, in this case, be an importunate beggar; do not easily take a denial. Use all the address, all the understanding, all the influence you have; at the same time trusting in Him that has the hearts of all men in his hands.

3. You will then easily discern, whether there is any good office which you can do for them with your own hands. Indeed, most of the things which are needful to be done, those about them can do better than you. But in some you may have more skill, or more experience, than them; and if you have, let not delicacy or honour stand in your way. Remember his word, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these, ye have done it unto me;" and think nothing too mean to do for Him. Rejoice to be abased for his sake !

4. These little labours of love will pave your way to things of greater importance. Having shown that you have a regard for their bodies, you may proceed to inquire concerning their souls. And here you have a large field before you; you have scope for exercising all the talents which God has given you. May you not begin with asking, "Have you ever considered, that God governs the world; -- that his providence is over all, and over you in particular? -- Does any thing then befall you without his knowledge, -- or without his designing it for your good?

He knows all you suffer; he knows all your pains; he sees all your wants. He sees not only your affliction in general, but every particular circumstance of it. Is he not looking down from heaven, and disposing all these things for your profit? You may then inquire, whether he is acquainted with the general principles of religion. And afterwards, lovingly and gently examine, whether his life has been agreeable thereto: whether he has been an outward, barefaced sinner, or has had a form of religion.

See next, whether he knows anything of the power; of worshipping God "in spirit and in truth." If he does not, endeavour to explain to him, "without holiness no man shall see the Lord;" and "except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." When he begins to understand the nature of holiness, and the necessity of the new birth, then you may press upon him "repentance toward God, and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ."

5. When you find any of them begin to fear God, it will proper to give them, one after another, some plain tracts, as the "Instructions for Christians," "Awake, thou that sleepest," and the "Nature and Design of Christianity." At the next visit you may inquire, what they have read -- what they remember, -- and what they understand. And then will be the time to enforce what they understand, and, if possible, impress it on their hearts. Be sure to conclude every meeting with prayer. If you cannot yet pray without a form, you may use some of those composed by Mr. Spinckes, or any other pious writer. But the sooner you breakthrough this backwardness the better. Ask of God, and he will open your mouth.

6. Together with the more important lessons, which you endeavour to teach all the poor whom you visit, it would be a deed of charity to teach them two things more, which they are generally little acquainted with, -- industry and cleanliness. It was said by a pious man, "Cleanliness is next to godliness." Indeed the want of it is a scandal to all religion; causing the way of truth to be evil spoken of. And without industry, we are neither fit for this world, nor for the world to come. With regard to both, "whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might."

1. The Third point to be considered is, By whom is this duty to be performed? The answer is ready: By all that desire to "inherit the kingdom" of their Father, which was "prepared forth from the foundation of the world." For thus saith the Lord, "Come, ye blessed; -- inherit the kingdom; -- For I was sick, and ye visited me." And to those on the left hand, "Depart, ye cursed; -- for I was sick, and ye visited me not." Does not this plainly imply, that as all who do this are "blessed", and shall "inherit the kingdom;" so all who do it not are "cursed," and shall "depart into everlasting fire?"

2. All, therefore, who desire to escape everlasting fire, and to inherit the everlasting kingdom, are equally concerned, according to their power, to practise this important duty. It is equally incumbent on young and old, rich and poor, men and women, according to their ability. None are so young, if they desire to save their own souls, as to be excused from assisting their neighbours. None are so poor, (unless they want the necessaries of life) but they are called to do something, more or less, at whatever time they can spare, for the relief and comfort of their afflicted fellow-sufferers.

3. But those "who are rich in this world," who have more than the conveniences of life, are peculiarly called of God to this blessed work, and pointed out to it by his gracious Providence. As you are not under a necessity of working for your bread, you have your time at your own disposal! You may, therefore, allot some part of it every day for this labour of love. If it be practicable, it is far best to have a fixed hour; (for any time, we say, is no time) and not to employ that time in any other business, without urgent necessity.

You have likewise a peculiar advantage over many, by your station in life. Being superior in rank to them, you have the more influence on that very account. Your inferiors, of course, look up to you with a kind of reverence. And the condescension which you show in visiting them, gives them a prejudice in your favour, which inclines them to hear you with attention, and willingly receive what you say. Improve this prejudice to the uttermost for the benefit of their souls, as well as their bodies. While you are as eyes to the blind, and feet to the lame, a husband to the widow, and a father to the fatherless, see that you still keep a higher end in view, even the saving of souls from death, and that you labour to make all you say and do subservient to that great end.

4. "But have the poor themselves any part or lot in this matter? Are they any way concerned in visiting the sick? What can they give to others, who have hardly the conveniences, or perhaps necessaries, of life for themselves?" If they have not, yet they need not be wholly excluded from the blessing which attends the practice of this duty. Even those may remember that excellent rule, "Let our conveniences give way to our neighbour's necessities; and our necessities give way to our neighbour's extremities." And few are so poor, as not to be able sometimes to give "two mites;" but if they are not, if they have no money to give, may they not give what is of more value?

Yea, of more value than thousands of gold and silver. If you speak "in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth," may not the words you speak be health to the soul, and marrow to the bones? Can you give them nothing? Nay, in administering to them the grace of God, you give them more than all this world is worth. Go on, go on, thou poor disciple of a poor Master! Do as he did in the days of his flesh! Whenever thou hast an opportunity, go about doing good, and healing all that are oppressed of the devil; encouraging them shake off his chains, and fly immediately to Him
Who sets the prisoners free, and breaks the iron bondage from their necks.

Above all, give them your prayers. Pray with them; pray for them; and who knows but you may save their souls alive?
5. You that are old, whose feet are ready to stumble upon the dark mountains, may not you do a little more good before you go hence and are no more seen? O remember,
'Tis time to live, if you grow old
Of little life the best to make,
And manage wisely the last stake!

As you have lived many years, it may be hoped you have attained such knowledge as may be of use to others. You have certainly more knowledge of men, which is commonly learned by dear-bought experience. With what strength you have left, employ the few moments you have to spare, in ministering to those who are weaker than yourselves. Your grey hairs will not fail to give you authority, and add weight to what you speak. You may frequently urge, to increase their attention,
Believe me, youth; for I am read in cares,
And groan beneath the weight of more than threescore years.
You have frequently been a sufferer yourself; perhaps you are so still. So much the more give them all the assistance you can, both with regard to their souls and bodies, before they and you go to the place whence you will not return.

6. On the other hand, you that are young have several advantages that are almost peculiar to yourselves. You have generally a flow of spirits, and a liveliness of temper, which, by the grace of God, make you willing to undertake, and capable of performing, many good works, at which others would be discouraged. And you have your health and strength of body, whereby you are eminently qualified to assist the sick and those that have no strength. You are able to take up and carry the crosses, which may be expected to lie in the way. Employ then your whole vigour of body and mind in ministering to your afflicted brethren. And bless God that you have them to employ in so honourable a service; like those heavenly "servants of his that do his pleasure," by continually ministering to the heirs of salvation.

7. "But may not women, as well as men, bear a part in this honourable service?" Undoubtedly they may; nay, they ought; it is meet, right, and their bounden duty. Herein there is no difference; "there is neither male nor female in Christ Jesus."Indeed it has long passed for a maxim with many, that "women are only to be seen, not heard." And accordingly many of them are brought up in such a manner as if they were only designed for agreeable playthings! But is this doing honour to the sex?

Or is it a real kindness to them? No; it is the deepest unkindness; it is horrid cruelty; it is mere Turkish barbarity. And I know not how any woman of sense and spirit can submit to it. Let all you that have it in your power assert the right which the God of nature has given you. Yield not to that vile bondage any longer. You, as well as men, are rational creatures. You, like them, were made in the image of God; you are equally candidates for immortality; you too are called of God, as you have time, to "do good unto all men." Be "not disobedient to the heavenly calling." Whenever you have opportunity, do all the good you can, particularly to your poor, sick neighbour. And every one of you likewise "shall receive your own reward, according to your own labour."

8. It is well known, that, in the primitive Church, there were women particularly appointed for this work. Indeed there was one or more such in every Christian congregation under heaven. They were then termed Deaconesses, that is, servants; servants of the Church, and of its great Master. Such was Phebe, (mentioned by St. Paul, Rom. 16:1) "a Deaconess of the Church of Cenchrea." It is true, most of these were women in years, and well experienced in the work of God. But were the young wholly excluded from that service? No: Neither need they be, provided they know in whom they have believed; and show that they are holy of heart, by being holy in all manner of conversation. Such a Deaconess, if she answered her picture, was Mr. Law's Miranda. Would anyone object to her visiting and relieving the sick and poor, because she was a woman; nay, and a young one too? Do any of you that are young desire to tread in her steps? Have you a pleasing form, an agreeable address?

So much the better, if you are wholly devoted to God. He will use these, if your eye be single, to make your words strike the deeper. And while you minister to others, how many blessings may redound into your own bosom! Hereby your natural levity may be destroyed; your fondness for trifles cured; your wrong tempers corrected; your evil habits weakened, until they are rooted out; and you will be prepared to adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in every future scene of life. Only be very wary, if you visit or converse with those of the other sex, lest your affections be entangled, on one side or the other, and so you find a curse instead of a blessing.

9. Seeing then this is a duty to which we are called, rich and poor, young and old, male and female, (and it would be well parents would train up their children herein, as well as in saying their prayers and going to church) let the time past suffice that almost all of us have neglected it, as by general consent. O what need has every one of us to say, "Lord, forgive me my sins of omission!"

Well, in the name of God, let us now from this day set about it with general consent. And I pray, let it never go out of your mind that this is a duty which you cannot perform by proxy; unless in one only case, -- unless you are disabled by your own pain or weakness.

In that only case, it suffices to send the relief which you would otherwise give. Begin, my dear brethren, begin now; else the impression which you now feel will wear off; and, possibly, it may never return!

What then will be the consequence? Instead of hearing that word, "Come, ye blessed! -- For I was sick, and ye visited me;" you must hear that awful sentence, "Depart, ye cursed! -- For I was sick, and ye visited me not!"

The Paradox of Our Time

Isn't it amazing that George Carlin - comedian of the 70's and 80's - could write something so very eloquent...and so very appropriate.

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways , but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.

We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.

We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We've done larger things, but not better things.

We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes.

These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete...

Remember; spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.

Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.

Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.

Remember, to say, ' I love you ' to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.

Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.

Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.


Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Man Saved and Delivered from Satanism

Today, as I went about doing my work, I met a man who was obviously in distress. Something was stirred within him; I could tell right away by the seriousness in his voice, by the troubled look on his face.

I made time to meet with him in a secured place. As soon as he sat down he immediately poured out his soul, his aching pain about his troublesome life which is being controlled by Satan. Sweating, anxious, but right away, he said, "I am a Satanist; I follow Satanism, racism and all the ism in my life for many years." "I am deeply distressed; I don't want to live like this any more. I need help; Is it too late for me? I don't want my daughter who will be born soon know about my painful past. I don't have hope."

I listened to him attentively and told him that God loves him very much. I said, "God can save you and deliver you." I told him Jesus died for everyone, for you and for me, but only those who are willing to believe and accept Jesus Christ of Nazareth can have their sins forgiven. I asked him if he is ready to confess his sins to God and to repent and to accept God's salvation. He is ready.

I asked him if he is ready to be forgiven. He is more than ready. Tears began to roll down his cheeks. He knelt down on the floor by the chair he was sitting earlier. I knelt beside him, and led him to pray the sinner prayer. He confessed his sins, renounced all ties with the Devil, Satan himself. He cut all ties with darkness and denounced the devilish things that he ever committed against God.

Tears were rolling. He wholeheartedly has trusted the Lord Jesus as his Lord and Savior. He has invited Jesus to come into his heart and be his Lord and Savior, Healer and Deliverer. All heavenly angelic beings stood still for a moment which seems like eternity. Time flies. I was so glad and also in tear.

What a change took place right away after the prayer. His countenance brightens up. He wiped away his tears. The sweat stops. He is calm and collected and told me he never before experiences anything like this. He felt like a burden is lifted off his chest and shoulders. He is forgiven. He feels God's love for the first time. He has God's hope for the first time. He is a new babe in Christ. He is born again I told him.

I prayed for him that the Holy Spirit will baptize him, be his guide and strenghthen him. I told him to go ahead to give thanks to God. He did with a grateful heart. I asked him whether he'd like to be baptized right now. He answered yes he wanted to be baptized. I invited someone to witness the moment. After reading Romans 6 and gave him a few instrustion about being baptized in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I used the water nearby to baptize him.

What a blessed moment for a wretched sinner to return to God and to find peace for his soul and rest for his mind and body. It is excited to see a new soul won for Christ Jesus. I welcome my new brother in the Lord into the Kingdom of God. I then gave him a Bible and some instruction to start ready the book of John and James. He read it soon after that.

He left that place a changed man, a man who found Jesus Christ, the answer he needs. He is no longer afraid of Satan. More follow-up needs to be done, but God has started a great work in him and He will finish it, bringing it to completion in the day of Christ's return.

What a day! A Blessed day indeed. God is great. He is good. Only He can save and deliver people from sin and bondage. His name is to be praised. Amen.

Pastor Linh

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Expecting the best of God's gift, the Holy Spirit

This year on June 24-27 at Trinity UMC, Pomona, CA a very historic National Convocation of the Vietnamese National Caucus of the UMC will take place.

I pray that the pastors, leaders, lay leaders, church members and those visiting Christians in the area and all around the United States will gather first and foremost to seek God's holy presence. We will be eager to hear the truth proclaiming from the pulpit that God is alive; Jesus is alive, and He is living in us and manifesting His presence through us through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

We may have everything already planned and executed as we hope and that we may have a little room for God to work. I believe, however, God is looking for obedient servants and faithful children to carry out His plan wherever He may have put them.

Moreover, I fervently pray that as we sincerely and genuinely invite Him to come as we learn to praise and worship God as He truly is He will come and manifest His presence among us.

I pray that God's glory will be so heavy upon the Convocation and upon each participant that our eyes and ears and hearts and minds will be open, and we will never do church as business as usual any longer; that we will be willing to drop everything else, even our very own agenda so that God's will, His ways and His agenda will be accomplished in and through our lives. Definitely, not by might, nor by power but by the Spirit of the Lord!

When we truly repent of our sins and seek His heart and wait upon Him, the presence will come first and then His power, the anointing of the Holy Spirit will begin to manifest. Oh yes, He may linger longer; He may show up for a split second even without our notices and then go somewhere else, or He may dwell and stay with us.

I pray that at this important event, every heart will turn toward God; every listening ear will hear His gentle voice speaking to our souls and spirits of His heart and His will for the city, for the nation, and for the world.

I pray that at this significant place and time in history, the men and women of God and all His servants will seek His presence and the anointing, the power in order to do His work. I pray that children, youth and young adults and the adults will yield their hearts and wills to the Spirit of God; they will surrender their egos so that God may have His way in us.

I pray that we will wholeheartedly seek to wait upon God and to seek His wisdom in the choosing of a new leader to lead the caucus forward; one that is full of the Spirit of God, filled with the Holy Spirit; one who can say to the beggar that Silver and gold have I none, but what I have I will give you.

In the name of Jesus, rise and walk and be made whole; one who has the fear of the Lord as the beginning of wisdom; one who can speak the truth in love; one who has the compassionate heart of God and a willingness to serve His people.

I am expecting the best of God's gift, the Holy Spirit. What about you?

Pastor Linh

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Stroke Help Tips!

Blood Clots/Stroke - They Now Have a Fourth Indicator, the Tongue


A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can dramatically affect the outcome of a stroke. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.


STROKE: Remember the 1st Three Letters.... S-T-R

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.

Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:

S - Ask the individual to SMILE.
T - Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently)
(i.e. It is sunny out today.)
R - Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency number immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

New Sign of a Stroke - Stick out Your Tongue

NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other, that is also an indication of a stroke.

Stay informed!

Fritz Guthrie,

Monday, June 8, 2009

Digital TV is already here!

It's Hurricane season: To be fully prepared for critical weather updates, be sure you have switched to Digital TV!

Conversion will be on Friday, June 12, 2009

Next Friday, June 12, 2009, all full-power television stations in the United States will stop broadcasting in analog and will switch to 100% digital broadcasting. Digital broadcasting will free up airwaves for use by emergency responders.

Individuals will need to purchase a converter box, connect their TV to cable, satellite or other pay services, or buy a TV with a digital tuner boxes. With hurricane season upon us, having a TV and making sure it works is especially important for critical weather updates. Don't be left with a blank screen.

Through the end of July 2009, the Federal Government is providing up to two coupons per household, each worth $40, that can be applied toward the cost of an eligible converter.

For more information about the digital conversion visit https://www.dtv2009.gov or call 1-888-225-5322 (voice) or 1-888-835-5322 (TTY)

To see where to recycle your old TV, www.houstontx.gov/solidwaste/digital_conversion.html

For full information about preparing for hurricane season, go to www.readyhoustontx.gov.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Expecting the Fresh Encounter with God

The convocation is coming upon us very soon.

Are we ready and willing to yield to the leading of the Holy Spirit? Will we surrender ourselves to God and be led by the Holy Spirit to do what God has called us to do? Are we willing to hear what the Spirit is speaking to our hearts?

What is going to happen at Dai Hoi Lien Huu Tin Lanh Giam Ly this year at Trinity UMC? What is the Spirit of God going to say to the Vietnamese National Caucus churches, to the pastors, lay leaders and those near and far coming to check it out to see what God has in store for us?

What are we gathering to do? What should one expect to receive when attending the Convocation this year? Will it be different from last year or the year before?

Will we spend more time experiencing God through worship and praise? Will we hear from the servants of God who are so on fire for God who will deliver God-sent messages which will stir and move our hearts into action? Will we be learning about the structure, the rules, the grants available, and the things coming from the experience, knowledge and wisdom of man, or will we allow ourselves to be touched and moved by the mighty hand of God to set us on fire for the Lord?

Will we expect a fresh fire of God's Spirit presence, power and His anointing moving among us, coming upon us, empowering us to be His witnesses? Will the presence of God be welcomed, and will His power be manifested there? Will God be free to move and to do whatever He wants to do in His Church?

Will it be worth our time, money and effort to set aside precious time to come and learn something new from the Word of God? What is the Spirit of God saying to the Church today?

The Spirit will make it known to us in His time. He will do what He wants to do in and through His people and the body of Christ. You and I just have to be ready and available to be touched and to be used by the Spirit. The Father's will and plan shall be accomplished in and through the Body of Christ.

Pastor Linh

57 Cents Church


A little girl stood near a small church from which she had been turned away because it was 'too crowded.'

'I can't go to Sunday School, 'she sobbed to the pastor as he walked by.

Seeing her shabby, unkempt appearance, the pastor guessed the reason and, taking her by the hand, took her inside and found a place for her in the Sunday school class. The child was so happy that they found room for her, and she went to bed that night
thinking of the children who have no place to worship Jesus.

Some two years later, this child lay dead in one of the poor tenement buildings. Her parents called for the kindhearted pastor who had befriended their daughter to handle the final arrangements.

As her poor little body was being moved, a worn and crumpled red purse was found which seemed to have been rummaged from some trash dump.

Inside was found 57 cents and a note, scribbled in childish handwriting, which read: 'This is to help build the little church bigger so more children can go to Sunday School.'

For two years she had saved for this offering of love. When the pastor tearfully read that note, he knew instantly what he would do. Carrying this note and the cracked, red pocketbook to the pulpit, he told the story of her unselfish love and devotion.

He challenged his deacons to get busy and raise enough money for the larger building.
But the story does not end there...

A newspaper learned of the story and published it. It was read by a wealthy realtor who offered them a parcel of land worth many thousands.

When told that the church could not pay so much, he offered to sell it to the little church for 57 cents.

Church members made large donations. Checks came from far and wide.. Within five years the little girl's gift had increased to $250,000.00--a huge sum for that time near the turn of the century. Her unselfish love had paid large dividends.

When you are in the city of Philadelphia, look up Temple Baptist Church, with a seating capacity of 3,300. And be sure to visit Temple University, where thousands of
students are educated.

Have a look, too, at the Good Samaritan Hospital and at a Sunday School building which houses hundreds of beautiful children, built so that no child in the area will ever need to be left outside during Sunday school time.

In one of the rooms of this building may be seen the picture of the sweet face of the little girl whose 57 cents, so sacrificially saved, made such remarkable history. Alongside of it is a portrait of her kind pastor, Dr. Russell H. Conwell, author of the book, 'Acres of Diamonds'.

This is a true story, which goes to show WHAT GOD CAN DO WITH 57 CENTS.