Thursday, June 11, 2009

Expecting the best of God's gift, the Holy Spirit

This year on June 24-27 at Trinity UMC, Pomona, CA a very historic National Convocation of the Vietnamese National Caucus of the UMC will take place.

I pray that the pastors, leaders, lay leaders, church members and those visiting Christians in the area and all around the United States will gather first and foremost to seek God's holy presence. We will be eager to hear the truth proclaiming from the pulpit that God is alive; Jesus is alive, and He is living in us and manifesting His presence through us through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.

We may have everything already planned and executed as we hope and that we may have a little room for God to work. I believe, however, God is looking for obedient servants and faithful children to carry out His plan wherever He may have put them.

Moreover, I fervently pray that as we sincerely and genuinely invite Him to come as we learn to praise and worship God as He truly is He will come and manifest His presence among us.

I pray that God's glory will be so heavy upon the Convocation and upon each participant that our eyes and ears and hearts and minds will be open, and we will never do church as business as usual any longer; that we will be willing to drop everything else, even our very own agenda so that God's will, His ways and His agenda will be accomplished in and through our lives. Definitely, not by might, nor by power but by the Spirit of the Lord!

When we truly repent of our sins and seek His heart and wait upon Him, the presence will come first and then His power, the anointing of the Holy Spirit will begin to manifest. Oh yes, He may linger longer; He may show up for a split second even without our notices and then go somewhere else, or He may dwell and stay with us.

I pray that at this important event, every heart will turn toward God; every listening ear will hear His gentle voice speaking to our souls and spirits of His heart and His will for the city, for the nation, and for the world.

I pray that at this significant place and time in history, the men and women of God and all His servants will seek His presence and the anointing, the power in order to do His work. I pray that children, youth and young adults and the adults will yield their hearts and wills to the Spirit of God; they will surrender their egos so that God may have His way in us.

I pray that we will wholeheartedly seek to wait upon God and to seek His wisdom in the choosing of a new leader to lead the caucus forward; one that is full of the Spirit of God, filled with the Holy Spirit; one who can say to the beggar that Silver and gold have I none, but what I have I will give you.

In the name of Jesus, rise and walk and be made whole; one who has the fear of the Lord as the beginning of wisdom; one who can speak the truth in love; one who has the compassionate heart of God and a willingness to serve His people.

I am expecting the best of God's gift, the Holy Spirit. What about you?

Pastor Linh

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