Monday, June 29, 2009

Ministry of Healing and Deliverance

By the anointing of the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:38)

In the Name of Jesus, “By his stripes, bruises, wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5; Matthew 8:17; I Peter 2:24)

These signs will accompany those who believe: (Mark 16:17-18)

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Mark 2 (healing of a lame man);

Mark 10:46-52 (Bartimaeus – God still heals the blind today.)

John 6:2 (Great multitudes followed Jesus because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased);

Acts 1:1 (Jesus began to do and teach);

Acts 4:33 (with great power we give witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace is upon us all);

Acts 5:12, 14 (Many signs and wonders were wrought among the people; and believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women);

I Corinthians 2:1-5 (…but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power;)

Heb. 2:4 (God also bearing us witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost);

Heb. 13:8 (Jesus Christ is still the same, yesterday, today and forever);

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1. Teach people that God the Father loves them; that He does not want them to perish. (John 3:16; II Peter 3:9)

2. Teach people about Jesus Christ who is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb. 13:8).

3. Preach the Good News “The Kingdom of God is at hand.”; Call sinners to repent; (Acts 2:37-39)

4. Lead people in a prayer to accept Christ as Savior (John 1:12). Lead people to repeat the Sinner Prayer to receive the Lord Jesus Christ in their hearts; to surrender their lives to Christ, and to be healed of their diseases (Romans 10:9-10; II Corinthians 5:17).

5. Instruct people to forsake their past lives, to follow Jesus, to read His Word, to worship, and to share the Gospel with others. (Romans 12:1-2; Galatians 2:20)

6. Instruct people in how to have faith for healing (Mark 11:24) –

a. Jesus is the Healer (Psalm 103:3; the Gospels); He is the risen Son of God.
b. His life in them is healing life, abundant life (John 10:10),
c. It is his will for them to be well,
d. His promise is for everyone,
e. they must ask in faith (Matthew 7:7; Romans 1:16),
f. they must thank God for what they believe they have received,
g. they must put their faith in action by doing whatever they could not do before,
h. they may come up on the platform and tell the multitude about their miracle
i. show the people whatever God has done as a witness that Jesus is alive and unchanged,
j. help others have more faith to believe on Christ for their own salvation and healing.

7. Pray for the sick in the name of Jesus.

8. Give thanks and honor to God. To God be all the glory. God is glorified; the city is truly stirred to believe on Jesus Christ and to serve Him.

People are healed in the name of Jesus.

Miracles, signs and wonders are still happening today.

Jesus comes and makes us whole again today.

Sins are forgiven; souls are saved; spirits set free; relationships are restored;
Physical, mental and spiritual healing are yours today;

Creative miracles happen! Joy exploded! City is stirred. People are saved.

How would you, your families and your cities rejoice when the Lord heals you and your loved ones of these diseases and sickness?

How would you want to live and operate like you were living in the Bible time today?

Will you believe God and His promises and His commands? Will you trust God to do through you what He has done through many others? Will you obey His commands? Will you receive by faith what God has given you through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit? Will you celebrate God’s victories big or small and give Him all the praises and glory?

There are so many diseases and sicknesses which need to be healed in the name of Jesus. There are so many hurting people out there who have not known Jesus yet. Jesus wants to save them all. He does not want anyone to perish. Jesus wants to do for them what he has done in the past generations.

Recently, I have seen some of these miracles done by many of God’s servants in the past, in the present, and I want to see more done in the near future through ordinary people of faith like you and me. Nothing is impossible with God. I believe if He can use servants in the past generations, then He can use servants of this generation and the generations to come for His glory.

Do you believe that God is preparing you, calling you to do like He does and even more…Today!

T.L. Osborn and his wife recorded for us many of the miracles, signs and wonders happened in their ministry of healing the sick. I just want to list some of them for us to see and thank God. They have seen people healed of these:
Cancerous ulcer; tumor; brain tumor;
rupture membrane;
deaf since birth; totally deaf; deaf ear could hear a faint whisper;
born deaf; dumb
broken bones; left for dead;
body twisted; shoulder, rib, pelvic bones broken, re-broken;
deformed body;
nerves in one leg damaged by injection;
one leg is shorter than the other;
brittle ankle;
one full leg brace and built up shoe for the other;
never walked in her life was carried in a bed by her friend;
walked with a cane; foot wrapped in cloth;
leg badly swollen; walked on crutches;
cripples; took off braces; threw away canes and crutches;
Not able to walk; Wheelchair bound healed;
Arthritis; knees were bent and turned inward;
Joint problems;
Broken leg and a fractured disc in her spine;
bedfast, unable to walk and to help herself; lame feet and legs
stiff hips; barely been able to walk;
crossed eyes from birth; blind; lost eyesight; had no vision; the sightless;
heart problems;
terrible suffering in the bladder;
stomach cancerous tumor
disease of deterioration of the bones;
polio; leprosy; tuberculosis;
asthma for years; hardly breathe; great pain in the abdomen;
pain from accident; back pain; could not bend over; spasms;
epilepsy; convulsion; shaking palsy; hands unsteady; spastic paralysis; contortions ceased;
tormenting spirit left;
noises in the head; nearly deaf;
evil power left; devils left; the demonic possessed delivered.
The dead raised.

Oh, how I have so much to learn from Godly leaders, servants of the Lord who know how to come into God’s presence; who are filled with God’s power to do God’s will.

Oh how I need God’s power today to do what He has prepared for me to do for the Kingdom of God.

Oh how Jesus has called me to step out of the boat, out of the comfort zone, out of the ordinary to do something extraordinary.

Oh what a price I must pay in order for the will and plan of God to be accomplished in my life.

Pastor Linh

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