Monday, February 23, 2009

Fighting the Battles for Souls

Souls are precious in God’s sight; but unsaved souls and lost souls are lost unless they come to Jesus Christ, the way, the truth and the life, in repentance and be saved by grace through faith.

There is no other way; there is no other name on earth or under heaven that man can call on and be saved except the Name of Jesus. There is the only way to the Father through Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Other ways will lead you somewhere, ultimately not to heaven.

In this fearful time in which the economy is at the lowest level in modern history of the world, people are probably more in tune with the state of their physical needs; how will I hold the job. How will I feed and take care of my family; how will I put my children through school; what is the future for me.

People are struggling to deal with their emotional and mental needs as well; the tensions and conflicts between husbands and wives; the struggles between parents and children; they are easily provoked to anger; frustration is felt deep in their tones of voice and shown on their faces. They are easily aroused of things that trouble their souls and spirits; hurt, anger, rage and wrath are all in the same family attacking them from all sides.

Satan knows that his time is short, and he is out of control as well trying to prevent souls from coming to know the grace of God; blinding their eyes from seeing the glorious Gospel and be saved. The Devil is busy out there trying to destroy as many families, marriages, churches and lives as he could.

Lives are being disrupted by disappointment, fear and worries. Sadness and gloom, depression and despair were seen and vented out. People are losing their patience and minds. “'What’s going on', and 'I can’t take this any more!'” is the phrase that shows the desperation.

What does the church of Jesus Christ of Nazareth do about it? What hope does it offer? What Good News does it share? Who are out there representing Christ as ambassadors of the Good News? Who are out there living with integrity and accountability? “Whom shall I send? Who shall go for us?” God is counting on you and me to represent Him well in this hour. Shall we rise up or shall we fret and fear?

With faith in God, with love, joy and peace in our hearts, with truth felt deep down in our souls and spirits we are to live out daily the Gospel of Jesus Christ as salt of the earth and light of the world, as agents of change.

Positive, affirmative, Godly changes in the lives of many are needed in this critical hour. With the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit we engage in spiritual battles. Lives will be spared if we are diligent; if we persevere till the end.

Are we willing? Are you willing to live up to God’s calling in your life? Am I ready to die to self so that Christ will live in me and through me freely demonstrating the glory and presence of God in my life?

Are you willing to crucify your flesh on the cross so that Jesus will be able to use you? Am I humble to bow down before the presence of God and to seek diligently to hear His gentle and sweet voice saying the things that dearest to God’s heart to me today? Are we ready to obey His commands accepting the cost even with our very own lives so that Christ will be glorified?

I am ready to live out God’s calling for my life. What about you? Will you join me fighting in the army of the Lord? In the Name of Jesus, victory is won already before we’ve even begun. The Devil is defeated at the cross on Calvary.

Jesus has come through for you and me. March on.

Pastor Linh

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