Sunday, March 1, 2009

Growing Faith in God's Presence

How was your worshipping God today? It was a great one, isn't it? How was the music of praise and thanksgiving drawing you closer to God? Was there a stirring of the Holy Spirit in your soul and spirit when you praised Him and hearing His Word declared? Was your body feeling that warm sensation of the Holy Spirit's fire running through you?

How did you experience God's healing for your body, soul and spirit today? The infilling of the Holy Spirit is needed to help me grow in my faith in Him.

What message did God send to you through the preaching of the Word? How did He speak to you directly today when you prayed? In which way did you grow today in your understand of God and the things He wants to impress upon your heart?

It was great for me to be in God's presence, knowing He loves me no matter what the Devil is trying to tell me otherwise. He is awesome; His presence is felt deep down inside my heart and spirit. I know that He is with me always. I am learning and growing as I associate with winners, mighty men and women of God. I am committed to serve the Lord wherever He puts me.

God, through the message of hope today, has called me to test Him in giving tithe to Him in the midst of everything going wild and crazy with the economic turbulence and chaos and violent shifts of paradigm and changes. God is still constant. He never changes. I am so glad I can trust in God to take care of me and my family. He will also take care of you and provide for you.

God is great and awesome. He is love and truth and holy. He is all I ever need. His inner voice is speaking to me. His Word is clear before me to lead and to guide.

I pray for you my friends that you will walk with God this new week in a new understanding that He will remain faithful to you always. He will see you through no matter what you are facing right now. He will bless your marriage and your families.

Call on the name of the Lord and you shall be saved. He is ready to deliver you. He is ready to use you. Fear not of the enemy's attacks. Look toward God for help and deliverance. He is ready to defend you.

Have faith in God and watch your fear dispelled. Speak the word of life into existence. Let the Word of life from the everlasting God come forth as you speak and create your life. Remember everything you change today in the Name of Jesus, in His strength and power will change everything.

Let's continue to grow in God's presence and impact lives for the Kingdom of heaven. Jesus is counting on you and me.

Pastor Linh

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