Friday, March 20, 2009

The Worlds We Live & the Battles of Life

Everyday we live in a physical world, the world of sight, touch, smell, taste and sense. It’s the tangible, wonderful and beautiful world that God created. He spoke the word, and everything came into existence in its order, in its own kind and in its own seasons.

Everything God made is good. Everything exists with a purpose; it thrives with its own life given by God, and everything has its own cycles of birth, growth, yielding fruits and offspring and death and new life again. The law of the creation is self-preservation, multiplication and expansion.

God has given each living creature the power to get food when they are hungry; the power to get a drink or a sip of water when it is thirsty; everything and everyone has a built-in time to rest when they are tired and exhausted; and the time to get up and get going again.

Within the body the soul lives, feels, experiences many things, and it expresses itself through body. We feel love, express love and receive love in return. The living soul in the body has learned and discovered many emotions like love, joy, peace, happiness, elation, hatred, envy, jealousy, rage, unhappiness, sorrow. It can show kindness to others, and it can be very uncaring too. It has the power to give and to receive.

It has the power to build when it is used properly and to destroy when it is misused. It experiences fear and immediately responds with the “Fight or Flight” mode; it has doubts, worries, unbelief; it can experience hurt, pain, anguish, turmoil, rejection, depression, hopelessness and despair. It demonstrates faith in things, in someone, in a god or a spirit, and it also believes in God.

The mind through the brain receives countless information, every stimuli seen and unseen; it comes up with ideas; it can see what the normal eyes cannot; it processes the positive and negative inputs instantly and gives out an output; it interprets the info, stores it and retrieves it when it needs; it remembers, and it forgets; it receives dreams and visions; the conscious mind receives inputs through the five senses, and the subconscious mind processes it day and night continuously.

The mind can be stimulated by many things; it can be poisoned with false ideas and close-mindedness. It can be stubborn and arrogant and ignorant at the same time. The mind can be a great asset or a horrible liability. It can expand, or it can restrict. It can become great, and it can become very small. It depends on what you feed it with, the books you read and the people you associate with.

It is a complicated process of how the mind, the soul and the body interact directly and indirectly affecting each body part, each area of the emotions. One idea can change and affect the whole body and the world around it. One positive word coming from an open mind, a kind and caring heart can lift or uplift others. Meanwhile, when another word is misused or misspoke at the wrong time or at the wrong place can leave indelible marks in a soul.

The spiritual unseen world is where the spirits dwell. It is also the place where God the Father, God the Son and the Spirit of God dwell. The spiritual world can only be seen with the spiritual eye, expressed through beliefs, experienced by faith and felt with the pure heart.

The spiritual world is set up above the mind, the soul and the physical. When everything is in the right order as God has determined so, everything is blessed by God. When it is out of order, troubles rise; turmoil felt; and disasters happened.

Everyday when you and I wake up, get up and get going to our places and destinations we are not just living in a physical world, in a world of positive and negative emotions, but a spiritual world as well. You have a choice which world to live in most and which one will rule above the other.

The physical battles, the wars of the world are fought with soldiers, tanks, planes, bombs and gunfight on the street, on the ground, above in the air, in the water, in the cyberspace of info tech war. But the battles of life must be fought with heart, gut, courage, sweat and tears, and sometimes blood is spilled when man has to defend and to preserve freedom.

Everyday lives are still lost; pain, anguish and grief are still experienced; communities are still devastated; houses, buildings and the infra-structure are still being destroyed by the greed, hatred and anger of man. Battles must be fought right.

Yet you cannot fight the spiritual battles with the physical weapons. However, through prayer and fasting, through faith and belief in God, you enter the spiritual realm and face the enemy.

It’s time to let God fight the spiritual battles for you. The battle belongs to the Lord.

Pastor Linh

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